
Fred Fish’s final trip:
Today, Saturday, December 1, 2007 the family and close friends of Fred Fish will meet in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, to give Fred a last “farewell”.

At 12:00 noon PST (20:00 GMT) Fred’s wife Michelle Fish will spread Fred’s ashes in the one place he really loved, the sea. If you have a minute, and you liked his work, you may want to send him a farewell too… Fish-News

– Sat, 01.Dec.2007
– 12:00 PM PST

= 20:00 GMT/UTC
= 21:00 german time

Fred Fish Memorial Archive:
Since our last update we received quite some missing material, like Fresh Fish Vol.1 (Rev.1), Fresh Fish Vol.2 and Gold Fish Vol.3 (single CD version), but we still search missing CDs.

We also received a license from Marty Flickinger who compiled the Fish ‘n’ More CDs for Xetec Inc. to put them online. Thanks Marty! We start with Fish ‘n’ More Vol.3, and still search for people who own Vol.1 and Vol.2, plus cover scans of Vol.3. Fish-CDs

– Fresh Fish Vol.1
– Fresh Fish Vol.2

– Xetec license
– Fish+More Vol.3

Atari CD-ROM archive:
Due to the enormous output from the Atari scene we have started another little side project listing Atari related material we have online here.

Since a while we host two CD series from Lotek Style aka MC Laser of TSCC, the Atari mods and music collection Fading Twilight which we just added 4 new CDs, and the demo and scene material collection No Fragments which even got extended by 6 further CDs. Thanks Lotek Style! Fading-Twilight

– Fading Twilight 8-11



– No Fragment 2-7

Spanish Scene Archive:
Another scene with an enourmous output these days is the spanish scene, so we dedicated it another little side project.

Besides updating our mirror of the spanish mod scene ftp, we also added the third CD of the spanish modules compilations Modplanet now.

Finally we added the Spanish Scene compilations by Dargo^LLFB spanning 5CD and te first Avalon CD by Vago^Avalon Software, all with spanish scene output. Big thanks go to Fermix^LLFB for this huge upload! Site-News

– Spanish Scene



– Avalon Software 1
– Modplanet 3
– Spanish Scene 1-5

Initial Music:
This in a nice new hosted project by the danish scene musician The Boss^6th Dimension, which is also planned and prepared since years.

Here you can download game music from early Amiga games covered by our licenses, transcoded to the MP3 format. This is also a good example how a hosted site can benefit of this place and its licenses. So far BTTR had no boss, only team members. Now we have one – The Boss of 6th Dimension 😉 Site-News

– Game Music
– Mod downloads
– MP3 downloads
– Background info